A review by elenajohansen
Rewritten by Bronwyn Green


I received an ARC courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review.

The major reason this didn't get five stars was that, for erotic romance in general and especially compared to the earlier books in the series, this didn't seem to have that much sex in it! Angus and Eliza had such chemistry from the start, and watching their romantic feelings develop so much was certainly a treat, but I expected a bit more time spent between the sheets.

That being said, I was in love with both Angus and Eliza, because I related so well to Angus' inner demons about his writing, and Eliza's sometimes-paralyzing anxiety. Yep, I got hit with the feels on both fronts, there. Plus all the geek references that made me smile, because yep, I got all of them.

A solid entry in a series I've enjoyed since it began--I'd recommend this one (and all the rest!) to any fan of erotic romance.