A review by books4dayswithrobyn
El Diablo by M. Robinson


I don't even know what to say.
I feel like I've been through the emotional ringer.
Love him. Hate him. Love him again. Hate him again and want to cause bodily harm.
My poor heart couldn't keep up.
I'm now suffering from emotional whiplash.

This book was like every other M Robinson book.
You need your big girl knickers on.
A glass of strong alcohol.
Tissues at the ready.
And painkillers for the emotional whiplash.

But to me this book was everything.
From the moment I met Martinez in Crave me I just knew I was going to love him.
Don't know why considering he spends most of the time being a huge A-hole.
But apparently that's the appeal to me.
Whatever you go into this book thinking, chuck it out the bloody window because it will be so much more.

I lived and breathed El Diablo for a day straight.
Other than work commitments I was all up in the Devils business.
Wants to know what the F is going on, why my heart was hurting and why I put myself through it.
But in the end, it's what I live for.
Books to keep your blood pumping.

Oh that girl has some brass balls.
Stepping up to El Diablo. The Devil and calling him out on his sh*t.
This girl couldn't be broken.
Bent nine ways to Sunday but when she thought she was broken she got back up and you know what.
She stood up to Martinez when bigger men couldn't.
Brass balls, I'm telling you.

All in all I'm a bloody mess of emotions.
My stomach is still in knots.
My heart is confused with the whiplash and I'm pretty sure my brain is fried.
But damn I have one big smile on my face.

M Robinson you truly are the Angus Queen and I bow to you and give you my heart in a wooden box for you to torment a little more with your upcoming books.

*picks self off the floor*
*dusts self off*
*picks up the remains of my broken heart and glues them back together*