A review by noveldeelights
Behind the Lie by Amanda James


All my reviews can be found at noveldeelights.com

Holly used to be a model with a drug addiction. Until one day, Simon spots her on the runway and decides he wants her in his life. He helps her get her act together, they get married and are now expecting twins. Holly splits her time between a flat in London and a beach house in Cornwall. Life is good.

Until Holly gives birth and only one of her twins survives. She's convinced her son is alive and will stop at nothing to find him.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the psychological genre and I are having some sort of relationship crisis. We're at that stage where there's angry shouting and door slamming and maybe some plates you never really liked will end up in pieces on the kitchen floor.

Based on the description, Behind The Lie had a lot of potential. I was expecting an intricate plot with lots of twists and turns but unfortunately for me, I figured the whole thing out quite early on and I thought it all became too predictable and slightly far-fetched.

I couldn't connect to any of the characters. They all came across as highly unlikeable, which doesn't always have to be an issue but in this case, for me, it was. I couldn't even muster up sympathy for Holly, which felt all kinds of wrong since she'd just lost a baby.

However, I did enjoy Amanda James' writing. Since this was my first time reading a book written by her, none of what I said will stop me from reading another one at some point. This is quite clearly a case of "it's not you, it's me" and the psychological thriller genre and I desperately need some time away from each other.

Many thanks to HQ Digital UK and Netgalley for my advanced copy, which I chose to review.