A review by tregina
Suited by Joanne Anderton


Although it took me a little while to remember who everyone was and their relationships to one another, given how long it's been since I read the first book, I still found it easier to get into this book than the first in the series. Not because I could slip back into a world I already knew, but because the first book began with an origin story, which while necessary for worldbuilding for me felt very divorced from what came after.

I like the story best when it's in the meat of it, and when Tanyana is at her most relatable, which it lost a little bit again towards the end of the book. I understand the necessity, plotwise, but it still drove a wedge between me and the protagonist. There are a lot of moments where I think it could be made clearer what's going on--I love mystery and ambiguity, but this felt too murky and deliberately obtuse in places--but despite that I enjoyed this book a lot, and the overall arc of the story even more.