A review by caitlin01
The Awakening: As Told by the Boys by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham


no effort review challenge go:

- we didn't need this. we've already had their povs all the damn time, we know what they were thinking/feeling and motivations and shit. so why was this 100 pages longer than book 1?

- this skipped over a lot of the bullying that happened in the first book that made me hate them so so much, and i know that was intentional to make their reasoning for their actions make more sense to make me like them and blah blah blah, but it just comes off as unempathetic.

when i was reading the first book, there were a lot of things that broke my heart even before the big thing at the end, but this skipped over a lot of that. why? i don't know. you sure had enough fucking pages for it.

and because it skipped over that and the heirs didn't seem bothered by it, it just felt callous and made their motives, though valid, feel insincere.

- i skimmed so much of this. i just jumped over full paragraphs to get to dialogue.

- this just cements it for me- it is SO FUCKING DUMB that they didn't realize the bond between darius and tory. it's fucking bullshit. it makes sense for her not to, but for everyone else raised in solaria where different star bonds were experienced all the time? it's stupid and a dumb excuse. this book verbatim said shit like "the stars were pushing them together" or "the stars were yelling at them."

- oh and i know this was mentioned in other books too, but i just need to talk about it somewhere. they kept talking about how the vegas will be "sent back to the mortal realm if they prove to be un-fae or want to run away or whatever the fuck" but we know that fae can't exist in the mortal realm after being awakened. would they just send them there for a death sentence? that's dangerous and stupid. it doesn't really make sense?

- 2 stars because lance is fucking funny and also this makes me feel for him and darius more.