A review by weirdtea
New Yorked by Rob Hart


One of the keys to a satisfying noir is voice--and New Yorked has a great one. There are so many solid lines and observations throughout the book. I laughed, teared up, nodded along, and shook my head. The protagonist, Ash, occupies the gray areas and is all the more interesting for it. I appreciated that this liminality felt natural--not contrived. That's handy because so many thematic elements in the book touch on questions of authenticity, identity, and honesty. I love that kind of thing and it's one of the reasons I dig noir in the first place.

It isn't perfect. The first few instances of the second person sections didn't grab me...but they grew on me and eventually I came around. The mystery isn't all that deep, but that's fine because the mystery isn't the primary focus anyway. It's more about character and setting. And that's the thing. I expect if you are from New York, this book is going to really speak to your heart. If you're like me--a Great Lakes Midwesterner a bit tired of the whole love letter to NY thing because you know, WE GET IT--well, this story still has something to say. I could connect to the ideas, its feelings, and yes--because of media exposure I could picture the locations. If all that doesn't show skill, I don't know what does.

Finally, weaponized umbrella. If nothing else, read the story for that. It's awesome.