A review by briarsreviews
Strungballs by Mike Russell


Strungballs by Mike Russell

This book by Mike Russell is another short story. It's a great read for those who want a short, exciting read (and for those like me who didn't want to commit to another Games of Thrones book right away...).

This book is weird, if I put it lightly. The thought of a strungball was not something I have ever dreamed up in my life, but Mike Russell somehow thought this up and created a story about it! It's unique and enticing to me when someone can create such interesting thoughts, which is why I enjoyed this book.

Getting to see this unique and different world through out main character's eyes was great! It's kind of sci-fi/dystopian-esque, which would be great for readers who are interested in those topics! It's such a utopia that it's a dystopia...those books are always interesting!

The book is so precise, and so fantastical, it's hard to explain it in my own wording without ruining it. This utopia, perfect world that is so perfect that it's not is probably the best way I can word it. I love how Mike made this world so perfect, because it makes you feel uneasy and thrilled by each turn this short story takes.

Our main character seems to be the only person questioning or going against the true perfection in this novel. While this has been done a hundred times over, it's very fitting in this novel. Normally I would be annoyed and disgusted by seeing this trend over and over, but I liked it here. Mike makes it fit just well enough that I'm not questioning it.

Like Mike's other books, you will begin questioning reality and life itself. It raises so many thought provoking questions in such little space, but that's why I found it to intriguing. I have to say this is definitely my favourite book by him and I want to come back to it at a later date to see if my feelings change on this novel or not.

Overall, this maddening book will drive you over the edge with peculiarity! It's a great read!

Five out of five!