A review by diamondxgirl
Flying by Carrie Jones


When I started this book, I had one thought: it's going to be terrible or awesomely campy. That's really my favorite kind of sci-fi. With 4 hearts, I bet you can imagine which conclusion I came to. Flying became more enjoyable as the story went on and I'm excited to find out it's the first in a series!

"People have no faith in cheerleaders."

Mana (yes, like the magic potential in games) is your typical cheerleader type but with a whole lot sass. I love that Flying doesn't take itself too seriously (and you shouldn't, either). With a tagline like "Cheerleader vs Alien - Who will win?" you just can't afford to go into this with anything but a light attitude.

The aliens in Flying are more akin to the paranormal creatures we see in fantasy novels. There are fae, wendigo, and acid spitting creatures that start off as hot high school boys. There are references to all sorts of nerdy/geeky things such as Doctor Who. There's even a bit of romance that I hope is further developed in the next book.

There's a pretty big revelation at the end that leaves you wanting more and with the makings of a sequel so be on the lookout for that! Oh, and you can totally be allergic to caffeine...I used to be when I was younger. Or maybe that was the alien side of me. Who knows.