A review by vampirehelpdesk
I Know What I Saw: Modern-Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore by Linda S. Godfrey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 68%.
I listened to so much of this, but I can’t get past the constant Dog Men interruptions to chapters that have nothing to do with Dog Men. This author *refuses* to shut up about Dog Men and I found myself getting mad at her. She also relies 99% on eyewitness accounts and I would hear on the audiobook her introduce ludicrous stories with dead seriousness saying “daddysgirl69 reports that she saw a goat looking creature. But that area doesn’t have goats so it MUST be a Dog Man.” While I want to believe like Mulder, there are clear explanations for so many of these stories, but Godfrey shows no restraint in believing anything she’s told—as long as it could be related to a dog man. The most explainable instance is when a man saw “midgets” who told him to leave their property—Godfrey slightly admits that this is most likely a family of little people being harassed but then she suggests maybe they’re elves. Just crazy disrespectful to hear and a tedious, unorganized book that takes so much time referencing other books that I hope are better.