A review by v10
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood by Foster W. Cline, Jim Fay


So. I have some very mixed feelings about this book.

It did contain some helpful parenting advice.

It also contained a lot of religious nonsense.

Most helpful advice for me: Consider whether the issue you're having with your teen is actually your problem. (Teen being disrespectful, or not doing household chores: your problem. Teen not doing homework, or smoking while away from home: not your problem.) No major changes yet, except in my stress level, because I can tell Kid my opinion/suggestion, but ultimately most decisions are theirs.

Most ridiculous religious bit: Parents discourage their daughter from premarital sex, then when she was engaged and got her first pelvic exam the doctor *wrote to her parents congratulating them because she was still a virgin.*
Was this book written before HIPAA was a thing? And I realize that doctors are affected by their own biases as much as the rest of us, but how are you an OB/GYN and don't know that virginity is a social construct.