A review by gimchi
Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman, Chip Kidd


yep, that's right, i just read something in book form that's available in full on the interwebs. i figured it would be nice to read in print, and also up my yearly "# of books read" goal.

really enjoyed the speech, but UGH on the design. it was like trying to read a static upworthy text video. which i effing hate anyways, so whatever.

some of the colors were hard to read, and the design itself was rather simplistic and kind of boring. i also dislike when words are split in half/hyphenated to go on another line - i understand it for academic studies, for newspapers, etc. - but for a 2 line quote in the middle of a page? just adjust your spacing, for god's sake!! it makes no sense in being there and breaks up the word for no REAL good reason. it takes me out of the words, makes me think about the design too much, and then i hate you. UGH.