A review by fearlessknitter
Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity by Saundra Dalton-Smith


A friend of mine chose this book for our book club to read over the summer, three of us jumped in. I'm glad I did. Saundra provides concrete action items and a good breakdown of areas in your life that can be improved (or radically overhauled) by getting rest there. I need to re-read the book because of the impact some of the chapters would have, they kept intruding as I moved forward. Each chapter brought out a little "oh!" as I dug in and each section brought a big "OH" - I think I wasn't paying attention in the introduction as to the layout of the book and what was coming, or the concepts are so foreign it didn't mean anything to me at the time.

If you take the rest assessment, don't focus too much on the results. I found my score for social rest was in the middle of the pack and not much cause for concern. I didn't really identify with the symptoms list she provides. But when I got to that chapter it really resonated (and that's the one that kept intruding).

Also, I would not recommend bopping around the chapters based on assessment results. Saundra reveals some deep details of her life and experience on this road to sacred rest and these revelations build trust as you move through the book. That coupled with my experience above would have me go straight through.