A review by starness
Just Another Week in Suburbia by Les Zig


A contemporary story of a marriage gone wrong, smack bang in the middle of every day suburbia. The story starts off slowly. You get a glimpse of an ordinary man, living in an ordinary house in an ordinary nondescript suburb. This could be any one of us which makes the premise of the story at once credible and relatable. You start to squirm when things start to go wrong about half way through this book for Casper Gray. When Casper starts to suspect infidelity you know things are going to go down a slippery slope, insecurity doubt and paranoia set in and you know it's going to be a bumpy ride. Casper doesn't always make the right decisions and seeing some of the ramifications of his poor choices is hard to watch. You do kind of feel sorry for him so you want a good outcome but you also believe he's too far gone in his self pitying and self destruction especially when he experiences a mini breakdown, he's on the edge. The book is gritty and shows the ugly side of marriage and the potential pitfalls but I did enjoy the realness of emotions displayed.