A review by valeehill
Blood and Sand by Elizabeth Hunter


Blood and Sand (Elemental World #2) by Elizabeth Hunter I am not a diehard fantasy/paranormal fan, but I truly admire Elizabeth Hunter's ability, as a writer, to take what usually turns me off about them, and tell my brain I'm reading fiction. Instead of scoffing at the fantasy aspects of her books I almost forget I'm reading about vampires. Her fantastical novels never feel ridiculous, and I am able to feel connected to her characters like they are human. I was not expecting Baojia to blow me away as a character, but he certainly did. He exhibited honor, intelligence, a dry sense of humor, sarcasm, and for a water vampire, he was smokin' hot! I loved every facet of his and Natalie's relationship, and thoroughly loved the suspenseful aspects of the book. Excellently done, Ms. Hunter!!!