A review by entropia9
Augustus by John Williams


Augustus is an epistolary novel on rise and reign of Octavius Augustus. Letters are not always in chronological order, at first it might be confusing, but after getting more familiar and attached to characters it it stopped being an issue, I'd even say that form of the book is quite fitting. I really like how each character had their unique writing style. What I didn't like is that some characters felt, hmm, "overhyped". For example Augustus's daughter Julia's description by Athenodorus "she been a man, and less intelligent, she could have become a great philosopher" sets quite high expectation for her character and I must say I was disappointed. Spoilers ahead!
Spoiler In the end regarding plot concocted by her lover and ex-lovers to kill Augustus, she either:
a) never realized what was going on around her (according to her letters)
b) was the one to set it in motion but wouldn't be able to admit that herself (according to Augustus)
If a) would be true, then it's very underwhelming and if b) would be true, then it feels like that too, because you'd expect her to have more self-awareness and courage to face the truth of her actions.
Nevertheless reading her letters was delightful experience. My biggest disappointment was the last letter of Octavius Augustus, it felt boring and overstretched to me. I really liked the epilogue, the last sentence made me chuckle quite a bit due to knowing how hopes voiced there have been thwarted.