A review by booksdogsandjess
Rosie Little's Cautionary Tales for Girls. Danielle Wood by Danielle Wood


An Australian collection of short stories with lessons built in sort of modern day Aesop tales but for girls with modern day issues like date rape, abusive relationships,psycho dudes, and much more. But really funny.
Did Jessi just say the date rape story was funny? I did! To be clear date rape is not funny (obvs.)but these are cautionary tales and in this story Rosie goes to a party at 14 yrs old and ends up losing her virginity after getting severely intoxicated by the date-rapeiest (this is not a word to my knowledge but I say it a lot) looking guy ever, no one wins in this situation, but Rosie learns an important lesson.

My favourite in this collection of stories is
"Rosie Little in The Mother Country" this has Rosie going to England to stay with godparents she has never met before and experience all the "Mother County" has to offer. It does not go well and the godfather turns out to be a bit of a creeper, Rosie's inner thoughts on this are some of the funniest bits in the book. While in England she meets a boy, falls in love and they decide to have sex. When the boy asks if she has ever done this before she thinks about the party in the previous story and says very sweetly

"Technically, yes. Effectively, no. What about you?

The girls got spunk and I like it.

Not all the stories are winners, but there were a few gems.