A review by shortstack48
Out Proud: Stories of Pride, Courage, and Social Justice by


This book was like a queer Chicken Soup of the Soul. It makes me less scared about going into teaching, the last section called ‘unlearning learning’ had stories about leaders in education and social work who were implementing anti-discrimination pedagogy. I honestly didn’t think (and am still wary) about finding work in high school given my nonbinary identity and sexuality, but these examples happened in Canada! It gives me hope. My favourite story which I was shockEd to hear about and found very well written was “The Problems with ‘Gay Organs’: Reflections on a Body Deemed Unfit for Medicine” by Jason Behrmann. I caNNOT believe the stipulations on gay men donating blood, sperm, and body parts. After telling my family about how the policies were nonsensical we just saw on the news that it’s been changed to 3 months waiting period for donating blood for men having sex with men so likeee okay its changing but why does this exist in the first place at all?? Anyone can have an STD regardless of what sexes they sleep with, they could not have one (been tested recently), in a monogamous relationship, and using protection but still get rejected. Ridiculous! Good read to understand queer perspectives, I resonate with some experiences and have friends who have. It’s crazy to think about how recent gay marriage was legalized (early 2000s!) that was not long ago ahhhh.