A review by onebookmore
Six Weeks with a Lord by Eve Pendle


Grace finds herself in a precarious situation since her father’s death. To obtain her dowry and to fight for custody of her young brother, Grace marries Everett Hetherington, the Earl of Westbury. Everett needs money to help his people and to pay his deceased brother’s debts and marries Grace with the agreement that they will split her dowry. They both enter this marriage of convenience with every intention of ending it after an appropriate amount of time, but Everett quickly realizes that his feelings for Grace are stronger than he ever expected. Can he convince her to stay after their contracted six weeks?

I loved the characters and the love story in this historical romance. Grace and Everett complement each other well, and, though they are from different backgrounds, they have so much in common. Both have been maltreated by their family, both still struggle because of the actions of others, and both hesitate to show vulnerability.

Grace doesn’t trust men, justifiably so. Her father and the man she was supposed to marry deceived and manipulated her, and Grace finds it difficult to put her trust in the aristocracy. She also sees the inequities of her world, especially since she is a woman. Everett is a strong and determined man used to being in charge. I love that he sees Grace as his equal and values her opinion.

The romance between Grace and Everett is swoon-tastic! They resist their feelings initially, but their chemistry is undeniable. Grace doesn’t give in to her feelings as quickly as Everett, and it is lovely to see Everett try to convince Grace that his feelings are true. I love how patient he is with Grace, doing everything he can to woo her, even though it seems like the odds are against him.

I also like that both Grace and Everett have strong and selfless reasons for needing money. Grace will do whatever it takes to rescue her young brother from the clutches of an abusive and reprehensible man, the man she was supposed to marry. Everett wants to help the farmers who are suffering because of a wide-spread animal sickness, as well as debts accrued by his now-deceased family. Grace and Everett’s desires are noble, even though they aren’t entirely truthful with each other.

Six Weeks with a Lord is a wonderful historical romance with great characters and a swoon-worthy love story. This is a captivating story that I very much enjoyed, and I can’t wait to read more books by Eve Pendle! Thanks so much to NetGalley, Entangled: Amara, and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.