A review by bluuejeans
Girl Gone Viral, by Arvin Ahmadi


Okay, let me stop you right there ✋
The three stars are simply because of my own rating system, so if you want to know what three stars mean to me check my bio.

Now let me continue; This book caught my attention firstly because the author is from Iranian background and I always support and read books written by my motherlands people because no matter what I always find something to connect with and I think that’s nice.
And so I added it to my tbr list and moved on. Somewhere along all the other books that came in between I forgot what it was supposed to be about and when I saw it at the bookstore I picked it up and didn’t read the summary (because of already trusting it) and didn’t do it when I started reading it either. I was expecting tech-stuff. I like tech-stuff.

And what a surprise it was, it was like going to the movies and not knowing what the movie is going to be about. It was somewhat trilling like would she find her dad or not? All the way through the book I expected to see some kind of version of Utopia, where Abba is prisoned for his genius. Like.. everything felt possible. I very much enjoyed this book. Mostly appreciating all the friendships and loyalty everywhere. Always need more of that. Don’t get me wrong romance is nice, but there is too many stories about betrayals, vengefulness and jealousy and so so little of loyalty, having your back through it all, supporting friendships.

This is sometimes the great sadness of reading YA and not really being YA anymore, because YA me would have absolutely looooved this book. She was a nerd, she liked to make quirky jokes about feedback loops and all the code references.