A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Jook Joint #2 by Alitha Martinez, Tee Franklin


Have I mentioned that I love that Jook Joint gives a graphic warning before the start of each issue? The creative team is so aware of the intense and triggering nature of their themes. They also know the impact the subject matter can have. I respect their warning, as well as the small resource list they included below.
This issue felt mostly like it was continuing to establish the world of Jook Joint. We have a better feeling for the characters now, how strictly they regard their own rules, how fiercely they protect others, things like that. With a series like this one I feel it is terribly important to get a good understanding of the main characters. There was also a revelation about the main character and the ladies she aids. I can honestly tell you that I wasn’t expecting it…but that makes it even better.