A review by foxy_roxy
The Fable of Us by Nicole Williams


I dove in to The Fable of Us like I usually do with any Nicole Williams book. With an open heart , ready to fall in love with the characters.

I have to say, Nicole never seizes to amaze me. She has such a way with creating her characters and words. It's absolutely beautiful!

I couldn't help but give my heart away to Boone and Clara both. I didn't know what had happened in the past to them to create such sorrow, but I knew that at some point what they had was beautiful and worth it.

"Boone smelled like my childhood. Like the best years of my life in Charleston. Salty from sweat, sweet from his mom's and sister's shampoo he used to use instead of buying something more manly, and sour with the reminder of the past."

Even as we got to know them as the adults that they were, it was stunning. To have to endure so much pressure from her family, which by the way, I absolutely hated with every fiber of my being.

"With one little mint, I was whisked back to the past: to a first kiss, to the first real kiss, to the first time I'd ever..."

I've said it before, Nicole has an amazing gift. The way which she describes feelings and emotions pulls you into the book, and for a moment, you forget that you're reading a book. For a moment, you believe that you are really seeing this relationship play out right in front of your very own eyes. The characters became so real to me.

"I've only ever had one someone special, Clara, and she turned me off to the whole idea of ever having another.' He wouldn't look at me as he talked. ' So no, there's not someone special in my life to care what I do or who I do it with".

At the end of the book, I was content. I felt such peace, because that is what Nicole does for me. She gives me peace and beauty. Her words have never made me upset, well, they'll cause emotions out of me. But, never where I hate her or her writing.

So thank you, for giving us Boone and the beauty that he brings to the world, or at least Charleston! Thank you for Clara, because she was able to teach us that you can be strong and persevere, no matter the obstacles that are set before you. For their love that was able to stay strong even through out the years that they were separated.