A review by overdueshrew
Debating Sexual Correctness: Pornography, Sexual Harassment, Date Rape and the Politics of Sexual Equality by Susan Faludi, bell hooks, Katie Roiphe, Hendrik Hertzberg, Adele M. Stan, Katha Pollitt, Wendy Kaminer, Norma Ramos, Naomi Wolf, Mary Gaitskill, Marilyn French, Camille Paglia, Ntozake Shange, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Andrea Dworkin, Gloria Jacobs


I've officially kept this book from the library for waaaaay to long, thinking I'd finish it, but it's time to return.
Although a bit dated (1995), this was a great backgrounder for the feminist movement and filled in some of the gaps I had on both the history and pivotal figures.

Some of the lines that really stuck with me:

It's important to remember that the sexual revolution was experienced by women who were not raised to be feminists but, rather, a generation that was reared to please men. (p. xxii)

...They have convinced many of us that the standard for speech is what I would call a repulsion standard. That is to say we find the most repulsive person in the society and we defend him. I say we find the most powerless people in this society, and we defend THEM. That's the way we increase rights of speech in this society. (p. 30)

About the only generalization one can make is that pornography is the return of the repressed, of feelings and fantasies driven underground by a culture that atomizes sexuality, defining love as a noble affair of the heart and mind, lust as a base animal urge centered in unmentionable organs. Prurience - the state of mind I associate with pornography - implies a sense of sex as forbidden, secretive pleasure, isolated from any emotional or social context.... If feminists define pornography per se as the enemy, the result will be to make a lot of women ashamed of their sexual feelings and afraid to be honest about them. And the last thing women need is more sexual shame, guilt, and hypocrisy - this time served up as more feminism. (p. 42-43)