A review by ablotial
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks


If you haven't heard of him, Sacks is a neurologist who writes books describing his more interesting patients (for instance, the man who mistook his wife for a hat). This one describes neurological issues that have an effect on a person's musicality, for instance musical hallucinations, a sudden musical brilliance brought on by head injury, or amusia, which is not being able to hear music as any more than a bunch of random noise. It also describes patients with other neurological non-music related problems who are helped by music, patients with alzheimers and other forms of dementia, parkensons, tourettes, autism, etc. The book can be quite repetaitive at times, it's as if he didn't edit it and forgot that he already talked about this patient in an earlier chapter... but VERY interesting to me, and kind of scary to be honest.