A review by imfullybooked
Twisted Fates by Danielle Rollins


So... I'm low key obsessed with this series and with Dorothy as the main character.

Stolen Time really took me by surprise. But after loving the first book so much I should've known I'll love this one just as much... and yet. It still surprised me. Especially that ending.

Dorothy is definitely one of my favourite female protagonists now. She does an absolute 180 since the first book (reminds me a bit of Enne Salta from Ace of Shades) and she grows into and incredible badass and I love her.
The time travel aspect is fantastic. I love the way it works and that it makes sense (at least in my head). I will keep saying it until I'm blue in the face, but I love time travel and especially time travel that's well done! Give me more!

The world gets a lot more expanded in this one, too, and I'm living for it. I didn't even much mind the romance aspect because it was overshadowed by literally everything else. That is literally how I like all of the stories to be!

I can't wait for the last book. Ms Rollins left it on such a cliffhanger...