A review by thecorioliseffect
Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West


I love that the last two Kasie West books I choose to read end up being my favorites! I always enjoy her books. They're always super cute, and they're always super fun. Since I, dumb bitch extraordinaire, never know how any book is going to end, I enjoyed being confused about what the heck was going on here. Of course, if I actually ever read the synopses of books before reading them, I wouldn't have been as surprised as I would.
SpoilerBasically, I immediately assumed Frank would be the love interest because it seemed pretty typical of both YA contemporary and Kasie West. But then he was barely in it halfway through and I was like, "Is Frank for Alana because Kate is going to have Diego?" But like, bitch if I'd read the synopsis, this would have been obvious.
BUT this is also why I don't reread synopses before reading the books. Because I prefer going in blind and being surprised by things.

But yeah, super cute! I love Kasie West. I'll always read her books no matter how old I get. They're super light and cute and enjoyable.

I've also now officially read ALL her YA contemporary books!!!