A review by smut_church
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne


"I’ve been waiting for you for a long time."

WHY did I leave this book sitting on my TBR for as long as I did???? I'm obsessed. I love the post-apocalyptic world Lily Mayne has built & I'm so excited to get into more of it in the coming books.

I loved Danny & Wyn's relationship. They are so sweet and their communication with each other felt real and believable.
& Wyn's chapter at the end of the book??? Ugh. My heart.

I want to immediately read Wyn's book but I don't want to spoil the next two books!! So... I'm glad the next book is Edin's because I loved him and how precious he was with Danny. I can't wait to see how he is with his own human! Big ol' softy.