A review by tracythewriter
By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart


I guess it's, like, a thing for authors to rate their own books? So...sure! Why not. :-)

I loved writing BY BLOOD...Emma is the kick-ass, fashionable girl I wish I'd been in high school...with two sexy boys I'd have loved to have fighting over me. She's flawed, full of "piss and vinegar" as my grandfather might have said, and she finds it all too easy to get into trouble, a talent I definitely had at her age.

The setting - Oxford, England - is also dear to my heart. I spent a year there attending graduate school and absolutely fell in love with its architecture, sense of history, and numerous pubs! Not to mention the largest bookstore in the world (supposedly). Oh, and that cookie Emma enjoys with Josh from the covered market? It's gooey deliciousness comes from a real place, Ben's Cookies, and I highly recommend the dark chocolate and ginger if you ever find yourself in town.

I hope you enjoy reading BY BLOOD as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you have any questions, please leave me a comment!