A review by stefhyena
Growing Up Girl: Psycho-Social Explorations of Gender and Class by Helen Lucey, June Melody, Valerie Walkerdine


So this is about girls born in 1974 (ie me). This is pretty old and in some ways you could argue it's out of date. But I found the issues it points to are still largely unresolved. So as a historical piece and as a provocation for today I still found it crucial.

I would value these writers (or someone) doing up a follow-up study, if not of my generation then one of the ones that has followed us so far. What are girls doing now? What are the issues facing working-class and middle-class girls. What of second or third generation underclass (unemployed). With schooling becoming less and less equitable what are the patterns? I mean I could guess some but a study is good in terms of detail and analysis.

This is based in the UK but I still found it compelling and relatable. Someone at work asked me why I was reading it and I tried to explain (it had started off because I somehow thought it would be useful for work) but I ended up conceding I was reading it for "fun". I felt kind of understood in this (being a girl born in 1974 who was supposedly a "bright" underachiever with suicide attempts and an accidentally on purpose pregnancy to self-sabotage.

Gen x feminists should read it to be recognised. Everyone else should read it for other reasons.