A review by mars243
The Suffering by MJ Mars


Kyle's family left him the Brackenby house while he was in school. The house is very large and has been in their family for years. Many haunted stories surround the house name, however, Kyle is elated that a handful of his friends choose to live with him there, despite the rumors.
All is well until it isn't. A seance turns the house upside down and ghosts of the past start showing themselves. The group of friends must track down who all of the ghosts are, what they want, and how to banish them from the house before it's too late. These ghosts are unlike most. Each has chosen a certain houseguest to invade, manipulate, corrupt and change causing suffering in many ways.
Will Kyle and his friends be able to solve these mysteries and put an end to the torturous game these ghosts are playing?

M. J. Mars created a great haunted house story with a twist. One where each houseguest is haunted by their own ghost. The novel follows each character individually to show the suffering they are put through by these unwanted guests. This gives the reader the ability to put themselves in each characters shoes.
The story is full of twists and past/present stories. The Suffering is engaging which ensures the reader keeps turning the pages to learn more.
This is my first book by M. J. Mars and I doubt it will be the last.