A review by bookish_spoonie
Vampires Never Get Old: Tales with Fresh Bite, by Natalie C. Parker, Zoraida Córdova


3 Stars

Oh I am so disappointed! I love vampires but this anthology just didn't hit the marks for me.

There were only a few of the short stories that I actually enjoyed and those were from Rebecca Roanhorse, Mark Oshiro and V E Schwab. My favourite was V E Schwab's story of which I would happily read a full book about! I loved the characters, the side characters and their back story and the actual storyline. It was good fun and definitely my favourite.
Sadly the vast majority were seriously missing decent characters or storylines. A few I dnfed on as I got bored and that says alot for a short story!
I kind of enjoyed the little bits of information about vampires inbetween the stories but even these I thought could have had more detail.

Overall a disappointing anthology but one I'm glad I read purely for three stories.

Please note that I was gifted this ebook in exchange for an honest review.