A review by shazov
Concubine by Jill Knowles


This is one of those books that I struggle to rate and review. Why? Because on the one hand, I loved it. I loved the world-building. I loved the hot and sexy characters. And I loved the smexing that was just....wow.

The way Taren's dual nature was described was well done. And I loved the fact that Kael, forced to become a concubine, give himself over to his master and become submissive, still retains his spirit and his "self".

What made it a struggle was they way everything seemed to be so easy, so effortless, nearly. Not that I need a bucketful of angst, no please not! But a little more conflict, a little more effort might have captured my interest a little more. I found it hard at times to stay connected to the story and that does diminish the pleasure I get from reading a book.