A review by karathagan
A Not So Meet Cute by Meghan Quinn

This was like those 1-dimensional cheap sets reused for every miserable high school play. Just...terrible. I love cheap cookie-cutter romance novels, but the writing and storytelling on this one just wouldn't let me engage. Whats-his-name was horrible, completely unlikeable. There was way too much language that implied a time-depth and importance-in-life that just didn't make sense for the time they knew each other and their reported interactions. Things like "that just wasn't the Lottie I've come to know" after spending a total of like 5-6 hours with Lottie, most of which was him blackmailing her and lying to family, explaining contracts, and the two hour performance. That sort of thing was all over the place and I hate it. I finally gave up after the first sex scene, it was just downright offensive. Not entertained by
Spoilerassholes trying to manipulate women who are already under their control in a severe power imbalance by edging and withdrawing as punishment.

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