A review by judyward
The Family Vault by Charlotte MacLeod


The Kelling family of Boston, like all old-money New England families, has a spacious and well-maintained family vault for the burial of their dead. But Great-Uncle Frederick has a stipulation in his will that his remains be placed in the old family vault at Boston Common. Problem one: the old vault hasn't received a body in over a hundred years and there is concern that the lock won't work after all of this time. Problem two: The lock worked fine, but then a fairly recently built brick wall is found behind the entrance to the vault and when that wall is broken down, a skeleton with rubies in its teeth is discovered lying on the floor. The skeleton is easily identifiable. It's the skeleton of Ruby Redd, a well-known figure in Boston's burlesque world of 25 years before. Sarah Kelling with the help of art-fraud investigator Max Bittersohn take on the task of figuring out what is going on. The first book in the Sarah Kelling/Max Bittersohn series and I think that I am going to seek out other books in this series.