A review by mandapanda13
Dark Assembly by Aron Beauregard


Christ on a cracker.

Here’s the geist, Dark Assembly is yet another collection of shorties by Beauregard.
Started out dark as hell, which I should expect from Beauregard, but damn he went dark fast.
Shall we do a check list? Mostly because I’m at a loss for words here.

Grieving mother looking for a miracle: check
Let’s explore exciting, one might say explosive, means of birth control: check
Twisted degenerates torturing others: duh
Weird sexy girl in skeezey place: check
Weird sexy girl shares way too much: check
Slightly unhinged woman regaining her virginity: check (one of my favorites in this collection)
And finally the cherry on top of this quite literal shit show…..
Deranged kiddie diddler/murderer get his just desserts(also a favorite, cause fuck that guy): check.

If you go through the list and think holy cheese balls this sounds terrible probably not for you..
However, if you say this and get a readers chub then I highly recommend.
Beauregard has been one of my four favorite finds this year.
10/10 Buttworms