A review by uberbutter
Sesame Street: A Celebration of 40 Years of Life on the Street by Louise Gikow


Sesame Street: A Celebration of Forty Years of Life on the Street by Louise A. Gikow
303 pages

★★★★★ + ♥

In 1969, a couple people had the idea to make an education television show in a time when there weren’t many education shows or many televisions stations out there. They expected a good 2 year run, maybe a bit more if they could find the funding. Never in their wildest dreams did they think their idea, Sesame Street, turn into a beloved show that is now in its 45th season (it was in its 40th when this book was written)!

This is a tabletop type book. It is big, heavy, and clunky – so it’s not exactly a book you want to tote all over town with you. But regardless of this, I really loved this book. The book goes into the history of the show, and I mean every little bit. It talks about its creation, its funding, its outreach programs, its muppets and muppeteers, it talks about the creators of the muppets (of course there is plenty on Jim Henson and Frank Oz!), its research, and much, much more. And on top of that, each page is filled with pictures a lot of them. This book took me longer to get through than I expect, only because I spent so much time going through all the wonderful pictures and facts. This is the first 5 star book for me in 2014, and it deserves it all the way. A very enjoyable book, if a little out of date (some of the muppeteers have passed away or left since this writing). And an added bonus? The book comes with a DVD with the very first aired episode of Sesame Street from 1969!