A review by thewitchybibliophile
Nothing Ventured by Kristen Luciani


I have to say I did love this one more than the first. I think maybe it was less technical but still had those moments in it. I love the banter and the wit that these two play off of each other. Mia is a spitfire and reminds me of myself at times when it comes to her daughter. I was the same way.. untrusting of men and scared to give them a chance because I always put my daughter first and I was always working to give her a better life. Chris is just utter putty when it comes to Mia. I love that he lets his guard down with her and these two mesh so well together. Chris is so fierce and protective of Mia and her daughter that I adore it! Reminds me of my hubby. All the tech talk even reminds me of my hubby.
Overall I am falling in love with this series. I really enjoyed reading it and would recommend fully to anyone.