A review by b_tellefsen_rescuesandreads
Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer


Rating: 3.5/5

Alyssa Farshot has no interest in ruling her Uncle's empire. The only blood relative of a man who helped unite 1001 planets, Alyssa prefers to be exploring these planets, not ruling them. She is a restless spirit who prefers to be among the stars in her ship, along with her engineer, Hell Monkey.

But one day, she is called back to her Uncle's bedside, as he lay dying. Fearing she is going to be named his heir, she is told instead that she will be a Crownchaser, one of the contestants in a game to decide who becomes the next emperor. Though this doesn't exactly place the crown on her head, it might has well, and Alyssa is not thrilled.

So she teams up with her longtime best friend, another Crownchaser, to help her win, knowing she will be a fair and just leader. They work together solving clues and riddles taking them to their next destinations. But there is an unknown enemy that is disrupting the Crown Chase, and perhaps, one of the other chasers is not as passive as they first appeared him to be.

Overall, I found this to be a fun, fast-paced YA Sci-Fi and I believe this may satisfy an itch you have for this type of genre. However, it didn't impress me as much as I was hoping it would.

This book was 90% plot-based with very little character development. Because of that, you are thrown right into the world and the story with no context, background, or world-building, and we focus almost entirely on the action of the Crown Chase and the shenanigans that ensue within.

Unfortunately, I need a bit more foreplay because we get some action. I never got the opportunity to connect or care for the characters. I feel as though I enjoyed this on a very superficial level, without every truly become invested in the fates of each character or the overall outcome of the story. Because of that, I cannot rate this any higher than a 3.5.

This story did leave off on an intriguing note, so I will likely continue with the series. But as a whole, it was simply "okay" and will likely not leave a lasting impression.