A review by vanessamariebooks
Rapture by Lauren Kate


**BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!** (In the 2nd half of this review):
The ending of this book is just a mixed bag of emotions for me. I liked it, but I didn't like it and I still have some unanswered questions. For me a lot of this book was just ok, but things get really interesting towards the end of the book because that's when everything is being revealed and all the questions you've been wondering about since the first book finally get answered. There's also some major plot twists that I didn't expect and some that I did. Overall, I liked this book. Kind of hoped for a better ending but it was ok, but my favorite will always be the first one, Fallen. Now on to the spoilers!

**SPOILERS** (You have been warned):
So the ending...man what an ending. First off, I didn't expect Luce to turn out to be an angel, that was a surprise twist for me. Though once I found out she was an angel and I found out she loved someone else before Daniel, I immediately thought it was Lucifer and I was right. Lucifer using his and Luce's love to overpower the throne was an interesting part of his story. Couple of things that bugged me about the ending: Luce and Daniel chose each other the first time when they did roll call and then as punishment had to endure this curse for thousands of years only to make the same choice the second time around and now they can be mortals and be together (if they find each other)? Why couldn't they skip the whole curse and just been made into mortals the first time around? It's obvious their choice wasn't going to change so why even bother with the curse? Also, if the throne is supposed to be God (which by the way she's depicted in the end makes it sound like she's more of a fairy than God, what's up with the wand? Why does God have a wand? It's God not a fairy, anyway enough of my rant) then she should have known from the beginning that Luce and Daniel's choice wasn't going to change, God is supposed to know the end from the beginning. Also why couldn't Luce and Daniel chose the side of Heaven but still be together? Are couples not allowed in Heaven? Also God is supposed to be love, why would she curse them like that in the first place? I guess my main issue with this is trying to wrap my mind around the type of "God" portrayed in this book. Also the ending left me with some unanswered questions. What happened to Cam? Where did he go? Is he in hell with Lucifer? What about Luce's parent's from this life and her friend Cali? Are their memories of Luce just erased? What will happen this time when Luce and Daniel die as mortals? Will they go back to Heaven, if so will they see their angel friends and recognize them?
Why did Luce and Daniel even have to lose all their memories and be reborn again? Couldn't they have just been made into mortals and sent to Earth but still keep their memories of their friends? So many questions, so many mixed feelings. I wish there were a better ending but as far as series endings go it was ok, at least it didn't turn out like Allegiant.