A review by lsmoore43
Wildflower Heart by Grace Greene


This was a beautifully written story of so much love, loss, laughter, grief, friends and the love between a dad and daughter.

Kara has already had so much loss in her life when she loses her husband. Though things were not by any means perfect between them, she loved him and losing him was awful. She had a lot to overcome and her dad was right there as always to help. She had trouble walking without a cane after a car accident and wasn’t moving on with her life like she should have been.

Henry, Kara’s dad, bought an old house to redo. He had so many problems of his own that he does finally share with Kara in this book. But you have to read it to find out about that. The house is huge and Kara is not so sure about this. Her dad giving up his business to spend time working on such a huge place. There is a garden of sorts in the back and I can vividly picture it in my mind. A big field of wildflowers that the previous owner’s husband planted for her.

In parts I didn’t like Kara. I thought she had a bit of an attitude. When she found out things that her dad never shared, told her something else, she acted a bit spoiled about it to me. I did like her very much. I just thought she was way to opinionated towards some things that could hurt the people involved very much. I know she has had lots of loses but still. But in the end I did root for her for sure. I felt awful for what all she went through and the losses she experienced. They were very deep losses and hurt her so much. My heart broke for her. I root for her and Seth though.

When another tragedy strikes her life Seth, the neighbor and friend, is there for her. He seems like a very kind and good man. I think he will be good for Kara too.

The ending of this book was great and I look forward to the sequel so bad. I can’t wait to see what happens next with Wildflower House, Seth and even Victoria. Will Kara find happiness and true love. Will she finally have the family she needs.

This book was so well written, great characters, even secondary characters you will love, descriptions that make you feel like you are right there. I could even smell the musty in the old house. It was a huge house that was left rundown over the past year. It will be so beautiful when it is finished though.

Some of my favorite lines in this book are:
Don’t dwell in yesterdays. Live in the now. Frankly, you didn’t miss hugs and kisses you’d never had. You didn’t even know they were missing.

One of these days I’m going to walk that path myself and see what might await at the other end. Perhaps it would be a fairy-tale palace where mothers didn’t leave, fathers didn’t fail, and a daughter didn’t try to hold her own dad to standards she herself couldn’t keep.

A person must respect their past, even an unpleasant past, because it’s part of them, of what made a person who they are.

A kid doesn’t choose where it starts its life. You’re just born there, and you don’t know any different, and you do the best you can within whatever situation you’re given. I did that until I saw other ways to live. And then I made a different choice. A better choice for me. (This one is me all over)

“Humans along with other living creatures. Regardless of our place in line, we are renters on Earth. Tenants.”

I had always worried that I was like my father. Cold. Afraid of emotion. Wary of disorder.
Perhaps I should’ve been more concerned about being like my mom.

No one chose where or to whom they’d be born. We had to manage where we began. Like wildflowers.

This is a huge 5 star book. I loved it from start to finish. A must read.