A review by solelylu
Awkwardly Ever After by Marni Bates


Originally posted here.

You know how I have enjoyed Marni Bates' previous books and AEA was no exception. It centered around three stories concerning Melanie Morris, Isobel Peters and Corey O'Neal in the manner of the name of the book.

Freaking enjoyed the first two stories with Isobel winning the best story for me. The last story seemed a bit rushed though it might just be me.

To say I was borderline satisfied won't be wrong cos I love these stories and I thought they were too short. I enjoyed all of these and I am content with how this book was but I would still have been happy if they had been full books about them. Tehe.

Overall, more serious issues were touched in this book.And I know for a fact that if I am in need for a light read, with that touch of seriousness to give it a reality dose, Marni is the author if I am craving Meg Cabotism or the likes. I had fun reading this last piece to the Smith High geeks. And I will miss them. Sweet endings don't come so often. XP
