A review by lynguy1
Blue Smoke and Murder by Elizabeth Lowell


Blue Smoke and Murder by Elizabeth Lowell combines romance, action, suspense, and the search for the truth regarding a death and some art work. Jill Breck is a river guide who saves the life of the son of two operators with a security and protection firm. When Jill’s great aunt dies and there is an uproar in the Western art world regarding several Breck family paintings, Jill calls in a favor. Zach Balfour is the nearest security consultant and he’s assigned to protect Jill.

Jill and Zach are both likeable characters. Since the book mainly takes place during a couple of months with most it occurring during less than one week, the romance is a little too fast to be believable. Additionally, it was too easy for readers to identify the ultimate antagonist. Despite this, I enjoyed the novel. The plot has a few twists to it and the suspense was extremely high at times. The narrative flows well with a thought-provoking story line, fast pacing, and good characterization.

Overall, this was a suspenseful novel with good characterization and plenty of action. It’s the fourth book in a series, but can be read as a standalone novel.

I purchased a copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date was May 27, 2008.
My 3.48 rounded to 3 stars review is coming soon.