A review by lisaradocchia
My Dirty Little Book of Stolen Time by Liz Jensen

What an awesome title. I don’t recall the exact moment I purchased this book, but I think it was a bargain book from when I worked for Barnes&Noble, or maybe it was from one of the street vendors on Telegraph in Berkeley that sold it to me. I know I bought it cheap because the title was so cool. My Dirty Little Book of Stolen Time turned out to be (gasp!) a dirty little book that was a total waste of time.

Full disclosure: I didn’t finish the book. I couldn’t, and it has been a long time since that has happened. I usually find out sooner than the beginning of Part 3 that I don’t like something, but the book tricked me.

The basic premise is that a prostitute travels through time to the future (our time). She decides to use this technology to go back to the past and start a brothel, funded by money stolen from the only guy she meets in the future which to her utter surprise, she falls in love with.

If that trite plot doesn’t reel you in, she brings him with her to the past. Yeah, because he knows about history, and stuff.

The worst, worst part is that I read so much of it before putting it down. Even the sex in the book is tame, mild even, which leads this reader to wonder, “Why would Jensen send a prostitute back in time, if not to remark on the differences between sex then and now?” What a waste, a title this good should go on a better book.

Entertaining? Barely. Actually, no.

Thought-provoking? Not really.

Worth reading? Definitely not.