A review by julieabe89
Lip Gloss Jungle by Melissa de la Cruz


Lip Gloss Jungle is the fourth Ashleys’ book by Melissa de la Cruz. It follows Ashley, Lili, A.A. and Lauren as they get a rude awakening that the made-over Sadie and a former Ashley hanger-on, Sheridan, start their own clique to steal all the things that are important to the Ashleys, from their bench to their school clubs that are exclusively Ashley run. This new S. Society results in all the Ashleys (except Ashley Spencer) questioning why on Earth they do everything she dictates. Lili starts wearing her own style of clothing (she’s secretly always loved vintage). A.A. is trying to figure out how she feels about Tri and about the secret Ashley kept about their break up. Lauren starts to play the double agent to find out what the S. Society has planned for Congé, a free day that the school has every year in the spring that one group of students gets to plan, while everyone else has no idea what day it is going to be. Once she finds out, the Ashleys sabotage the Society’s plan and try to find their own. Lauren comes up with a good one, where they rent out the Japanese Tea Garden and have a dress up day playing like they are in Japan. Lili decides on a different plan, going to the beach, and convinces the other Ashleys to block Lauren from finding out anything. Lili’s idea ends up winning by default, but the actual day is a total bust as it is cold and a storm blows in. Can the Ashleys survive all the stuff bubbling up?