A review by saoki
Doctor Who: Venusian Lullaby by Paul Leonard


Venusian Lullaby is very much a science fiction book, with a strong feel of new wave science fiction and its interest in other worlds and cultures (and some fun potshots at golden age style conflict resolutions). It starts with an unusual funeral practice and gets weirder from there. The Venusians are carefully described so to be more alien than any species usually is in the show, which in turn makes the Tardis team's humanity shine through.
I'd specially like to point out that the author seemingly refused to let Ian punch his problems away, going so far as to burning both his hands so he couldn't. I agree with this choice, Ian is better when he is thinking than when he is getting into gladiatorial fights in ancient Rome. But I digress.

This book spotlights very well the significant difference in feel and tone to the novels written when the show wasn't actually airing. There is so much tenderness towards the characters, a care for their feelings about each other (and Susan!) that could only come from being a few decades separate from the original stories and missing them, wondering about the private moments between one adventure and another. In short, it is written with a fan's heart. And then there is the daring alien setting, with its detailed culture and society, the different sects, the predator species. It is all wonderfully done and makes for a great book.