A review by bookishmadness
Speechless by Hannah Harrington


What it's about: A teenage girl who can't keep secrets decides to take a vow of silence after she almost gets a boy killed because she couldn't keep a secret.

What I thought: I was worried that this book was going to annoy me that Chelsea couldn't talk. I know, that's the whole point of the story, but still, I wasn't sure how it was going to go. But I don't even know why I worried because Hannah Harrington is an amazing writer and she wrote this story perfectly! This story made me cringe, made me laugh but most of all, made me cry (in a good way of course!).

The good: Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea. WOW. What a fantastic character. I absolutely love when characters make a massive personality/life change and this was it. Chelsea starts being popular and stuck-up, judging people by their looks, only caring about parties and shopping and ignoring school. As she struggles through her vow of silence, she learns about what it is like to be on the receiving end of the bullying. She learns about people by watching and listening, and learns not to judge. The changes she goes through is tremendous and Chelsea is a strong character who takes it all in her stride. All the supporting characters are amazing, I wanted to be part of their little group. Sam, yes it is obvious from the beginning that Chelsea will develop feelings for me, but that doesn't make it any less lovable!

The bad: I was slightly annoyed that it took Chelsea so long to move on from her friendship with Kristen. Yes, they were best friends for ages, but even Chelsea could see most of it was a lie, but she clung on for so long, I wanted to slap her a bit.

Rating: 5 bookstacks