A review by ecrirejenesaisquoi
Gutter Girl by Lynn Rush


This is tough for me to write down but I just didn't really like this book. I loved the blurb and I loved the themes it tackled, but pretty much everything was very surface-level. The writing style felt a little bit juvenile at times. To be fair, the writing is fine but it is painful when you read every single inner thought of one character. It just drags out the plot. I like seeing events unfold and watching personalities grow, not being told everything without room to think for myself. And I didn't enjoy the two protagonists either I'm afraid. While I did appreciate the friendship between McKenna and Jace, I don't understand their attraction to each other. They were actually pretty frsutrating to read at times. It's really too bad because there are some good elements in this story: the dialogues are pretty fun (though interwoven again with many inner thoughts) and the secondary characters are great. It's a well enough written book but it's just not for me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.