A review by emmahegazy
The Shards by Bret Easton Ellis


it was a fun ride i guess but wtf happened maybe i need to actually read it again and not just listen bc i def fell asleep a few times. bc maybe the whole point is that there are so many shards of things happening at the same time but like why was there a cult a serial killer someone who attacked debbie and thom and also brett killing robert after what felt like a three month drug bender. i think robert was killing the animals but not the people i think the cult or trawler killed after
i think brett or robert killed matt but not the actual trawler and more than likely it’s brett 
idk why this gave me a fight club vibe like was any of it real is robert even real or does brett have split personalities when he takes hella drugs  like that girl from my year of rest and relaxation. bc if it was not robert how tf was the trawler using his uncles house for the murders like it had to be but who took the photos and who was the van and literally what was happening 
when brett said he would make the book more palatable was that him saying like i’m not saying i killed these people butttt
also brett sitting on so much evidence literally the whole time and not saying anything i was like sure ur def innocent. why do i think he is def the masked guy also what did he make what’s his name eat? 
brett was so down bad for everyone it was insane like bro stand up pls
HOOKING UP WITH ur gfs dad is wildddd in ur school uniform bruh
lowkey this made me want to do hard drugs 
i feel like i lived a lifetime with these people not just one summer like this was so coming of age but they never changed ages. they felt so abstract in the beginning and brett detaching and playing a part was dare i say it really relatable. like the overanalysitjon of every social interaction. i’m def reading this again bc im lost and i don’t enjoy being lost.