A review by ingriddayton
Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper

I read the first few pages of this book and just rolled my eyes. I also read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a short read and if it weren't for the poison it injected into our world, I would have laughed. OK, I snorted at a few things, especially the fabricated conversations that were written into the text. Actually the whole thing is fabricated. I was trying to understand how something like Qanon develops, so I decided to read some sources and the history of nutjobs who fall into this kind of shit.

I did learn from both of these texts that paranoid delusional fantasies about evil conspiracies of world domination by Jews (and Democrats] have gone on since the Middle Ages. Unfortunately that doesn't make me feel better but now I have a better idea of how things like this happen and now know that they've always been there. The truth isn't setting anyone free.

UGH. No stars. I downloaded Parables from the FBI archives, I hope they don't come knocking!