A review by dustingm
Any Which Wall by Laurel Snyder


A delightful book for the early-to-middle grades. There's magic -- that's obvious -- but it manifests itself in a way that both inspires awe and logical deduction. Snyder really knows how to write for her audience, as she presents dilemmas that are age-appropriate, conundrums that are interesting but not predictable, and includes really wonderfully written treatises on the nature of magic and its relation to "every-day life." The idea of a magical wall in the middle of a cornfield evoked both awe and wonder in me and my daughter -- a bit of the magical mixed in with the mundane. It had echoes of both Field of Dreams and Shawshank Redemption, but didn't copy either of them. Snyder's prose is a delight to read, and my seven-year old and I both found ourselves well-immersed in the "every day magic" of this story. Highly recommended.