A review by kaisserds
Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Rod Espinosa


What a lovely book. Melville's prose is really beautiful and rich in vocabulary which made the book challenging in that regard for me, as a non native speaker. The characters are very interesting as well, starting with Ishmael, the narrator, and finishing with the titular whale itself. Each of the important have their unique personality and add their own dimension to the story. You can't help but feel attached to them. Specially good when they divagate a bit and philosophize or when two characters confront their different points of view.

I must point out that at some points, specially towards the middle, Melville spends a lot of time explaining details about whales and whaling, which sometimes made me wish he didn't because it slowed the plot and I wanted to read more about the actual events. But those chapters are interesting and very well written, so ultimately I didn't feel like the book deserved to lose a star for it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the book will test your patience at times if you don't find that stuff interesting, but push through. It's worth it.

I was fortunate to take part in a buddy read here in Goodreads and it was a great experience to read the book on that setting. On one hand it's a book that invites discussion and on the other it covers a niche historical setting (whaling in the 1800s and the whales themselves), and it was fun to research a bit with other people and find diagrams, articles, etc. about the topics discussed.

Lastly, one thing I really liked is the attention to detail. A minute detail a lot of chapters ago will eventually have a purpose. Also while I'm usually very thick headed when it comes to symbolism in this book I at least could tell at times when something it's supposed to have second meanings, so in that sense, MD was a good starting point for me to analyze books better and not just take the text at face value.

In the future, when I reread it, I will try to get an illustrated edition. Theres some beautiful imagery I'd like to see painted.